My Past life as a Project Manager
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Project Managing
Back in 2015 I worked as a project manager for a business that sourced and coordinated manufacturing in China. It managed the design, production and QA for small bespoke projects. I loved managing some beautifully designed items, such as wall decals, tutu cases, vintage car parts, t-shirts and ratchet straps. The rachet straps have been needed recently to make up the big white shelters used in NSW to cover Covid testing stations. It gives me a thrill every time I seem them. The rachet straps hold the semi circular shape down to the ground.
It was truly eye opening working with Chinese nationals who would be the eyes and ears of the company in the South of China in Guangzhou. It was absolutely essential to have personnel on the ground who are bilingual or trilingual. It was team effort for me to produce Quality Assurance documents and for the Chinese arm of the company to use to QA the new products. I loved the chance to learn about how to read a Pantone fan deck and calculate shipping costs.